torstai 1. marraskuuta 2012



It took half an hour
to erase a distraction
made for peace of mind,

a medicine, which
when overconcentrated
turned into poison.


My red world,
hue turned green.
Vision blurred
for a while
sweet relief
from routine.

My world,
the hue turned back to red.
The distraction loses its novelty,
a structure loses simplicity,
a pressuring need taking over the visual field -
addiction prevails.

Temporary Setback

With distance grew the pressure lesser.
A warm, fuzzy, and familiar feeling
washed over to take its place,
being in all its predictability
sudden, and welcome.

A sight,
still new, even though less so now,
a sudden punch to the liver,
not welcome.
I utter:
"A temporary setback",
as it fades.


The color of the grass behind my sunset sky eyes feels like pressure that has a corporeal form, black and shiny and bending to give way to everything I try to push against it to make it break, and I marvel in the face of this puzzle, until it bores me to my bone, to my silver bones that are shiny too but will not bend, and which yearn again to face another silver bone so shiny it reflects an image almost perfect in detail, mocking our four dimensions of bone and flesh and blood and skin, and to stand against it thus forming an infinity.

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