sunnuntai 10. heinäkuuta 2022


Foreword: It seems I'm writing again! Well, I have written again. It's short, and probably accidentally a copy of someone else's creepypasta. But here it is. No real editing, it is a creepypasta after all. Nobody knows when I will write the next one.


She was going on about something again, and I was barely listening, being distracted.
- It's just like... the world has these bugs, right? Just like in video games. And if you know how they work, you can exploit them. People have been doing it for millions of years, I'd imagine.
- We're not that old a species.
- Well from dawn of time, then. Many bugs aren't even that difficult to find. Say, you lost something, like your keys, and you keep looking for them everywhere, and they are nowhere to be found. Until you tell someone you can't find them. It takes less than a minute at that point. That's a bug - a spell. It ties the lost object more tightly to your person, and brings your strings together, or something.
- What strings? And isn't that really just your brain being better able to focus on the thing?
- Ever tried just focusing real hard on your keys when looking for them?
- Uhg, I guess.
- So spells exist. And they can be used for one's benefit. I'd wager my next paycheck that most of them are not discovered by rigorous trial and error, but by accident.
- I'm still not quite buying this "spells exist" nonsense. And you didn't explain the strings.
- Well whatever. Can you think of anything that might possibly close that?

By that, she was referring to the vantablack, very interdimensional-portal-looking, gaping hole beneath our feet - where the bedroom rug had been just minutes ago, before I started turning my alarm clock to winter time while reciting a line from Paradise Lost.

She never did explain to me what she meant by the strings.

tiistai 5. heinäkuuta 2022

Some Partings

Foreword: I'm not going to even try to make you think this is something it isn't. This spring I've had some partings with very important friends - I initiated them, and they were accepted. It doesn't make it any less painful. These poems are about those partings. Some (much) creative license has been taken, and nothing should be taken literally. It's still just art, inspired.

Both of these are originally designed as lyrics, so they might not make sense without a melody. But if you're reading this, you probably read something from me before, and won't care. I'm happy that you're here. Thank you for reading.


Like There is No Ending for You and Me

When we met it was the accident of being young
but we nearly instantaneously got along
Still waiting for our moments when we would be sung
as heroes of the minds and thoughts of every tongue

And during all the turmoil of the twenny-tens'
Our play was always passionate yet never tense
Bourgeois ideals acted through our thrifty lens
Allowing in occasion for some decadence

I wrote a bunch of poems about you and me
I thought that we would last at least eternity
We were something that by stars was always meant to be
- in eternity

But as time does it passes over all of us
always changing colors like an octopus
It's hanging in the background as a pileus
Though you fight, in every right, it is a total loss

Already having witnessed to the way it goes
didn't want us to be counted as just 'one of those'
I did the only thing I could so I would save us both
I broke us up and hid inside this wall of prose

We are broken now
and I let you go
And I got DRUNK

I wrote a bunch of poems about you and me
I thought that we would last at least eternity
Now there's a hole where my heart always used to be
There's no ending for this rhyme.


I'm Not Crying

At the fortnight of my grief
I did a spell of my belief
I called out to my
ancestral tomb

I asked my kin to pray
That the emptiness not stay
I pleaded to return me
to the womb

I'm not crying for you
I'm not crying for me
I am crying for the past
and all that used to be

I'm not crying, not sad
I'm not angry still or mad
I just long for the feelings
I had

The ones that came before
Told me "don't you cry no more
The sea of life is
open and vast

The sharpness will abate
All the sadness and the hate
Will go out with the tide"
And the pain did subside

am I
still crying?

I'm not crying for you
I'm not crying for me
I am crying for the past
and all that used to be

I'm not crying, not sad
I'm not angry still or mad
I am free, I am free
I am free

lauantai 25. syyskuuta 2021


Foreword: One morning I woke up from a dream in which a village was torn up by a war. There was a poem, and I wrote down the last two lines. Then I got drunk and made this.


Within the night they raged about
They tore our houses, tore our trees
Not with a whisper, but a shout
They tore our minds with melodies

They made us hear a truth-belief
Arranged into a soothing song
For some of us it would set free
Something inside them all along

"The ones who listen, those that don't
together anymore they won't"

Within a day our loving homes
Had shed their peaceful semblances
The Right was fighting for its place
Among the vast Uncertainties

Taking children from their fathers
And husbands from their pregnant wives
Friendship, kinship, nothing mattered
When Truth was set against the Lies

The war was spreading with the fire
Robbed from the thinking classes
All the paths were soft to follow
For the falling, warming ashes

"The ones that follow will not burn"
Said the side who'd lost the wood
When all else was finally burned
Those words became The Truth

I'm hailing to our mighty flags
I'm cheering for the righteous bomb 
All the while I see the sorrow,
And how the sky will rain my mom

lauantai 15. elokuuta 2020

In Love with You

Saateteksti: Opettelin jambista pentametriä. Tavupainot voi olla vielä vähän sinne päin, mutta itse ihan tykkään suorituksestani.


We walk along the path for us designed
In steps where synchrony is not denied
Rhythmically we pass a mile, then two
My legs don't hurt, I'm still in love with you

We're laughing over dinner and some wine
And do not seem to recognize the time
We plan so many things we're meant to do
I will be there, I'm still in love with you
Still in love with you

The rustling of the bed sheets in the night
Our minds and bodies soaring like in flight
Afterwards we whisper "love you too" and
I lay awake, I'm still in love with you
Still in love with you
Still in love with you

The jingles of the keys to our domain
Release us from the coldness of the rain
We're caring for a flower that he grew
He's so sweet, yet
I'm still in love with you
still in love with you
still in love with you
still in love with you

perjantai 3. heinäkuuta 2020

2018: Ero

Saateteksti: Vuoden 2018 runojen blogaaminen jatkuu. Tässä eroaiheiset runot, jotka läpäisivät seulan vielä kahden vuoden jälkeen.


#128 Emme

En enää koskaan tee sitä
Etkä sinä tuota
Emme enää koskaan yhdessä
Emme ole enää me

#129 For-never-more

Loving you has, in its way
Felt like a fucking chore
It makes me more'n halfway glad
Facing the for-never-more

We went through the motions
Handled emotions properly
Now it's time to separate
The mental property

You can have the land I made
And the flowers in the field
You can have the little town
Where the smith makes his shield

I will take the summer nights
The wine and tender air
I will have your loneliness
This way, it's only fair

Loving you was as much beauty
As its thorns us tore
It makes it, perhaps, easier
Facing the for-never-more

#325 The Habitable Zone

There we stood, in the atmosphere
The narrow zone we can survive in here
In a blink of an eye
The whole of the sky
Exploded, and made us disappear

keskiviikko 15. huhtikuuta 2020

2018: Kamppailu

Saateteksti: Vuonna 2018 asetin itselleni haasteeksi kirjoittaa joka päivä yhden runon. Ja niin kirjoitinkin - laatustandardeja en asettanut, ja jos joku päivä jäi välistä, annoin tietenkin itselleni luvan korvata sen kirjoittamalla jonain muuna päivänä useamman. Ja niinpä kirjoitin 365 runoa vuonna 2018. Julkaisin niitä katseenkestävimpiä kerran kuussa Facebookissa, mutta tänne blogiin niitä ei jotenkin ole päätynyt. Kai niin isoa kasaa on vaikea perkaa.

Tässä kuitenkin vielä kaksi vuotta myöhemmin oman seulani läpi pääsevistä runoista ne kamppailuaiheiset. Numero runon edellä on järjestysnumero.

(Omasta mielestäni #170 on paras.)


#91 Entropy
When all the year is December
And every body is a member
After the fight
In the frozen night
We are a glowing ember

As we use beer as a medium
To break away the tedium
As our hearts beat
With the summer's heat
We are liquid helium

Taas leirilauantai
Tuo lukko sattuu, ai
Hikoile silmiini, sempai

Valoo vasten piirtyy
Vartaloni varjo piirtyy

I want to be strong
I want to be young
I want to be brave
And mentally hung

I want to grow old
I want to go frail
I want to experience
Leaving a trail

I want to be fought
I want to be free
I want to be buried
Wearing my gi

Niin nopeasti haipuvat
piirteet pimeään
Huomiseen ja eiliseen
en sijoiltani nää

On olemassa tänään,
vain tämä hetki, nyt
kun valopilkun taakse hukkuu
hahmo selkään kiivennyt

tiistai 13. elokuuta 2019

Oh Summer!

Saateteksti: Jotain on täytynyt kesästä jäädä käteen, ja tänä vuonna se näyttää tältä tietyin taiteellisin vapauksin. Ehkä mä joskus opin valitsemaan aiheeni paremmin, tai ehkä mä olen jo valinnut tämän elämän, enkä voisi mitään muuta elää.


O' summer! I wish
Thine warm embrace
Between my arms
And on my face!

O' summer!
Thine fire!

O' summer! Welcome
My poetry
I wish to bestow
My words on thee

O' summer!
Fly higher!

O' summer! Perish!
Thou fool me again
By promising sun
But giving the rain!

O' summer!
O' liar!